About Us
Oola National School is situated in the village of Oola, Co. Limerick. It is located in East Limerick on the border with Tipperary, on the N24, the main Limerick to Waterford road. It is approx 30 kilometres from Limerick city and 10 kilometres from Tipperary Town.
Oola N.S. is presently a seven teacher school, four class teachers and three support teachers. We also have three special needs assistants and a school secretary. We have 80 pupils at present. Delivery of the primary school curriculum is well planned with a priority given to developing high standards of literacy and numeracy by a dedicated and enthusiastic staff. Our work is supported by a good level of resources and additional staffing to meet the individual needs of the children. A positive partnership with parents is vital in achieving our aims.
Oola N.S. was built in 1941. A refurbishment project was completed in 2008 with the renovation of the existing school, as well as the building of a new classroom and school hall. Our school is well resourced and equipped.
We have a well stocked school library which all pupils avail of. Our school hall has lots of sports equipment to allow us explore all strands of the P.E. curriculum. Pupils from 2nd to 6th class enjoy swimming lessons in Seán Treacy Swimming Pool, Tipperary in the Spring term. We use information technology to enhance learning and we have been awarded Digital School status. Each classroom is equipped with an interactive whiteboard as well as class laptops and tablets. Our art room is well stocked with arts and crafts materials. We have a committed Parents Council who support the school with funding for new equipment. We have operated a Book Rental Scheme in the school for many years.
I Scoil Náisiúnta Ubhla, múintear an Ghaeilge ní hamháin mar ábhar scoile, ach mar teanga beo cumarsáide. Is cuid tabhachtach dár gcúltúr í agus ta bród orainn Gaeilge a fhorbairt tríd na scoile. Cuirimid béim ar an nGaeilge a usáid chomh minic agus is feidir agus tá súil againn go mbainfidh na paistí taitneamh as foghlaim agus usáid an teanga. Is í aidhm againn sa scoil speis sa Ghaeilge a chothú trí na bpáistí a spreagadh chun í a úsáid in atmaisféar taitneamhach gan bhrú. Tá dearcadh dearfach i leith na Gaeilge ag múinteoirí na scoile agus déanaimid ar fad iarracht an Ghaeilge a úsáid chomh minic agus is féidir i rith an lae.
We are involved in many extra activities, particularly in the sporting arena. We have boys hurling, football and soccer teams as well as girls football and basketball teams. We take part in many quizzes, competitions and school productions. We endeavour to produce a school concert in the school hall or church on alternate years, both of which are well received by the community. We have numerous visitors to our school. We also go on educational trips to places of interest.
We are involved in a variety of different inititatives including Green Flag, Digital Schools, Active Flag, Aistear, Literacy Lift Off, Irish Aid Awards and Food Dudes.