
Fáilte is fiche romhat féin is do pháiste!

I’d like to extend you a warm welcome to our website and our school,  Oola National School is a co-education mixed catholic primary school in the parish of Oola and Solohead in east Co.Limerick. We have a vibrant school with 4 classroom teachers plus support teachers and ancillary staff all striving to reach our objectives. We are a digital school of distinction and love our sport. The fabric of Oola NS is made up of the fantastic children that pass through this teamed with an energetic and creative staff, active and encouraging Board of Management and a very supportive Parent Council all helps to create a learning environment that we are very proud of. 

We strive to continue to deliver top quality education and innovative programmes and value the trust and patience that you place on the school.

Ní neart go cur le chéile!

Liam Guiney
