Parents Council
The Parents’ Council is the structure through which the parents/guardians in a school can work together for the best possible education for their children. All parents/guardians of children in the school are members of the association with a number of parents being elected to a committee. The Parents’ Council works with the principal, staff and the board of management to build effective partnership between home and school.
Our Parents Council who took up office in November 2022 are:
Chairperson - Lynda Breen
Vice Chairperson - Treasa Ryan
Secretary - Kathleen Downey
Assistant Secretary - Siobhán Ryan
Treasurer - Annette Ryan
Assistant Treasurer - Aoife McGrath
What we are about:
We in Oola National School, have a long successful tradition of a Parents Council. All parents are encouraged to belong and we offer support on an ongoing and continuous basis to the school staff and pupils. We provide support for all activities in the school including extra resources for library, equipment that are required for classrooms, specialised materials for other rooms and of course support for functions in the school. These include performance in the school by the children for audiences, catering for the incoming parents of new junior infants, information evenings in the school etc. Our major occasion of celebration is the morning of First Communion in our school, all recipients, parents, grandparents and relatives come to the school hall and celebrate this joyous occasion as a school community. None of this would be possible without the continuous support of all parents and guardians in our school community. This comes in the form of cakes, sandwiches, buns, making the tea and coffee, serving it, all in a good humoured and welcoming way.
Thanking you all for your continuing support of our school.