Contact Us
Contact us:
Contact us:
Address - Oola N.S., Oola, Co. Limerick E34P389
Address - Oola N.S., Oola, Co. Limerick E34P389
Phone - 062 47906
Phone - 062 47906
Email -
Email -
Office Hours are as follows:
Office Hours are as follows:
Monday and Wednesday 8.45-11.45am
Monday and Wednesday 8.45-11.45am
Tuesday and Thursday 12.05-3.05pm
Tuesday and Thursday 12.05-3.05pm
Friday 8.45-10.45am
Friday 8.45-10.45am
If you need to contact the school, please do so during these hours.
If you need to contact the school, please do so during these hours.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Thank you for your co-operation.