Active School Flag
Oola NS have been awarded our first Active school flag! We raised the flag in June 2022.
We now build on the good work done this far, and will continue to work on raising activity levels in the school each school year.
What is the Active School Flag?
The Active School Flag is a Department of Education and Skills initiative supported by Healthy Ireland and part of the National physical Activity plan. The Active School Flag is awarded to schools that strive to achieve a physically educated and physically active school community. The process aims to get more schools, more active, more often. Our challenge will be to find interesting and exciting ways to energize the school day because active children are happy learners!
Please keep an eye on the website and twitter @oolanatsch for updates on how we have been getting active in school!
We are enjoying our active school journey and our Active School Committee have been busy leading us to keep us active.
Our Active School Flag Committee
Our ASF Committee 2021/22
Mr Richie English - Teacher Rep
The Committees first task was to run a poster competition to get the motto for the school.
Our active school Flag Committee moto
Our 2 active school board and Well done wall provide lots of information
Active School Message from our local Hero Rachel Blackmore