Physical Education
In Oola National School we carry out at least 60 minutes of P.E. each week. The participation in the Active School Flag initiative has resulted in additional time given to movement breaks and busy breaks and improved focus on various strands. Teachers have undertaken CPD this year in Fundamental Movement Skills and 'Move Well Move Often'. Active School is on the agenda of all staff meetings and we discuss various school improvement steps in this area. We have recently developed a whole school approach to the teaching of the FMS across the Curriculum this year and will develop this further in the coming year. There are regular audits taken of the P.E. inventory and investment made where needed. The IPPEA have hosted very useful webinars on the running of sports days recently. Oola N.S. review our P.E. policy periodically.
The school completes 5 of the 6 strands annually. Aquatics takes place in Seán Treacy Memorial swimming pool, Tipperary. We also do Land Paws and teachers do lessons around water safety.